Fooled Me Once…

Okay, twice. Yesterday Beth suggested that we go to Rocky Face for a hike. Gavin and I quickly said that we were NOT doing the VMC trail and she said that was okay. We hiked the Hollow Rock Trail, which, after a moderately steep climb up the rock, has switchbacks to make the climb easier to deal with. Joy went with us as well. I’m not sure whether she enjoyed the hike or not. Towards the end, she had several episodes of just stopping and laying down in the trail. She had some shots yesterday morning and I wonder if that left her hip muscles sore which may have contributed to her lethargy. Gavin did a really good job of looking out for her, though. He insisted that we stop several times to give her water, which she gratefully accepted. I suppose that even for a dog, hydration is the key.

The highlights of this trail are the two overlooks near the peak of Rocky Face. We stopped for an extended break to let Joy rest.

After a bad foot pad experience, we decided that since Joy spends all of her time on carpet and grass, that she needed hiking boots. I don’t know if she fully understands how well they protect her feet, but she seems to tolerate them pretty well. Here she is resting on the trail, showing off her fashionable and protective footwear.

I am experimenting with trail logging apps. For this one, I used AllTrails. I like the stats that it provides about the hike. This trip was 3.3 miles with a pace of 23:11/mile. I found it interesting to see the hike plotted on a topo map, and the elevation profile was a nice touch. Check out the trip statistics on

Short Trip Coming Up Next Week

My Scout Troop is going on a 3-day backpacking trip next week in the Grayson Highlands State Park just across the state line in VA. In preparation for the trip, Gavin and I sat down at lunch today and planned out our menu. Here is what we came up with:

Food Items
Menu for Next Week

Here is what we have, in detail…

Dried Fruit
Dried Fruit
PB & Raisin Tortilla
PB & Raisin Tortilla
Mashed Potatoes
(probably need some spices?)
Rice with Bouillon Powder
Spam or Pepperoni
Dried Fruit
Dried Fruit

Our goal was to come up with foods that have plenty of protein and calories that will also be easy and lightweight to pack. One comment Beth had was that the Snickers bars might melt, and she’s probably right. I also realized after taking this picture that I don’t have any coffee. I’ll have to go fix that immediately. I usually use the Folgers individual “tea bag” coffee when hiking. They’re individually wrapped and taste more like “real” coffee than instant. Note, too, that this food is for two of us. My portion is ~5lbs, and Gavin’s is a little over 3lbs.

REI Loves Us!!!

I must admit that I am a gear junkie. I put quite a bit of time into researching the things Gavin and I will need to comfortably and successfully complete our thru-hike of the AT. We traveled to Charlotte today to visit one of my favorite stores, REI. Most of today’s trip centered around shopping for Gavin. We purchased his tent, some boots and socks, and a print copy of AWOL’s Guide.

Gear for Gavin
Today’s Gear

In preparation for the trip, I have been watching thru-hiker vlogs on YouTube. As I watch, I will be making notes in The A.T. Guide about good places to stay and which ones to avoid. On the trail, we will be using Guthook’s Trail Guide app to help us keep ourselves on the trail and inform us of upcoming views/shelters/water sources. These seem to be the two most common methods that thru-hikers use to guide their way along the trail.

Tomorrow we’ll be heading to Outdoor Supply in Hickory to see about rain-wear and a few more items. I’m thankful to my students and colleagues who sent me away from ACHS with a healthy pocketful of gift certificates to this store. Also, thanks to my lovely wife Beth who guided them in that direction.

Big Plans!

Just to keep you in the loop, one of my biggest plans for retirement is hiking the Appalachian Trail. The AT is a 2,200 mile “footpath for those who seek fellowship with the wilderness.” The start point is Springer Mountain, GA and the northern terminus is Mt. Katahdin, ME. I will not be alone- my 13 year-old son Gavin has agreed to be my hiking companion. We’re planning to start in mid-February or early-March and the hike should take about 6 months to complete.

Right now, we’re in the process of gathering the gear we’ll need and getting in shape for the trip (at Beth’s insistence.) I keep telling her that round IS a shape! Kidding aside, I know that both Gavin and I need to improve in the cardio-vascular area. To this end, we tortured ourselves with a hike of the Vertical Mile Challenge at Rocky Face Park this past Sunday. I’d like to hope we don’t encounter any steep climes like the VMC trail until after we’ve got our trail legs.

Rocky Face Park
Rocky Face Park