Fooled Me Once…

Okay, twice. Yesterday Beth suggested that we go to Rocky Face for a hike. Gavin and I quickly said that we were NOT doing the VMC trail and she said that was okay. We hiked the Hollow Rock Trail, which, after a moderately steep climb up the rock, has switchbacks to make the climb easier to deal with. Joy went with us as well. I’m not sure whether she enjoyed the hike or not. Towards the end, she had several episodes of just stopping and laying down in the trail. She had some shots yesterday morning and I wonder if that left her hip muscles sore which may have contributed to her lethargy. Gavin did a really good job of looking out for her, though. He insisted that we stop several times to give her water, which she gratefully accepted. I suppose that even for a dog, hydration is the key.

The highlights of this trail are the two overlooks near the peak of Rocky Face. We stopped for an extended break to let Joy rest.

After a bad foot pad experience, we decided that since Joy spends all of her time on carpet and grass, that she needed hiking boots. I don’t know if she fully understands how well they protect her feet, but she seems to tolerate them pretty well. Here she is resting on the trail, showing off her fashionable and protective footwear.

I am experimenting with trail logging apps. For this one, I used AllTrails. I like the stats that it provides about the hike. This trip was 3.3 miles with a pace of 23:11/mile. I found it interesting to see the hike plotted on a topo map, and the elevation profile was a nice touch. Check out the trip statistics on

2 thoughts on “Fooled Me Once…”

  1. We immediately noticed Joy’s newest accessory, she seems to appreciate them in the pictures. Great job taking care of Joy, Gavin. We’ve hiked at Rocky Face a few times as well. We have not completed the VMC and gotten the t-shirt…

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